♪ About the language
My lessons are done basically in the Japanese language.
However, I can provide the lessons in English if you prefer.
Please feel free to make an appointment for my trial lesson.
You’ll get a 20 –minute free trial lesson!
I’ve just come from Japan and I’m learning the English language at the moment, so sometimes my English isn't very good or I have trouble z expressing myself well.
If you have trouble understanding my English, please feel free to clarify in Emails.
I can read English better than I can speak it.
Please feel free to receive my trial lesson!
♪ Fees
● $40/ 30-min lesson
● $60 / 45-min lesson
● $80/ 60-min lesson
You’ll get the 20 –minute trial lesson for free.
♪ How to pay the lesson fees and cancellation:
Lesson fee needs to be paid in cash after each lesson
No cancelation fee will be charged if you notify by 9 pm the day before. If not, your entire lesson fee will be charged.
♪ Music book/sheets/ materials
Please purchase or prepare these items as directed.
・Music book : Suzuki Violin School - Volume 1
♪ Others
You can park your car in the open area that is not designated to the residents.
I appreciate it if you take your shoes off when you come into my house.
( * I'm from Japan and we don't wear shoes inside the house in Japan. )
♪ Contact
Please feel free to contact me, Mariko Kikuchi (the instructor ) at:
Email: nekoriko222@yahoo.co.jp
Website :https://mariko-violin.jimdo.com/
Profile プロフィール
Violin Lesson レッスン依頼
Request a Violin Performance 演奏依頼
Violin Lesson レッスン依頼
Gallery 演奏写真
Information 演奏会情報
Contact お問合せ
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ベイエリア(San Francisco Bay Area)・シリコンバレー(Silicon Valley)で音楽や楽器の習い事、マウンテンビュー(Mountain View)のバイオリン教室。子供の習い事、大人の趣味の音楽教室。サニーベール(Sunnyvale)、パロアルト(Palo Alto)、クパチーノ(Cupertino)サンノゼ(San Jose)サンタクララ(Santa Clara)レッドウッドシティ(Redwood City)サンマテオ(San Mateo)からも通いやすいヴァイオリン教室です。日本語で習い事/日本人レッスン/人気の習い事/駐在生活/アメリカで子どもの習い事/キッズ習い事/学校オーケストラ/バイオリン授業/駐在/駐在妻/趣味/教育/兄弟でレッスン/親子で音楽教室/日本人の先生/子育て/サンフランシスコ/フォスターシティ/サンマテオ/サンノゼ/クパチーノ/サンタクララ/サニーベール/パロアルト/ロスアルトス/マウンテンビュー/イーストベイ/バークレー/クラシック音楽/日本語のバイオリンの先生/日本人サークル/日本人妻/サンフランシスコ習い事/シリコンバレー/サンノゼから音楽教室/人気の習い事/人気の教室/
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